Hydropower Constraints

For individual reservoirs with If a demand and priority for hydropower energy has been set for an , WEAP will calculate the supply requirement (volume of water through the turbines) necessary to generate the energy demand.

In order to limit the flow through the hydropower turbines to the maximum turbine flow, two new LP variables are created for each reservoir and run of river hydropower that either have individual hydropower priorities and demands, or that contribute to a system hydropower energy demand, representing the flow through the turbine and the flow that bypasses the turbine.  A constraint is added, which equates these two variables with the total release from the reservoir or run of river hydropower.

ReleaseH = VolumeThroughTurbineH + VolumeNotThroughTurbineH

And a constraint is set for the maximum turbine flow.

 VolumeThroughTurbineH <= MaxTurbineFlowH